Thursday, July 16, 2009

I would like some recommendations on where to invest my money...?

I know nothing of finance and economy, and I would like to know where to %26quot;invest%26quot; or place my savings/money. I had it before at the bank (normal checking account), with very small rates, and now I placed it in a stock %26quot;risk free%26quot; but with the with elections and the predictions of a recession, i have the impression it might not be free at all. So if anyone can recommend what to do with my money (short, medium, and long term) I would greatly appreciate it.

I would like some recommendations on where to invest my money...?loan forgiveness

I%26#039;m just getting into investing myself. If you%26#039;re looking to maintain your money, then find a good money market fund. They should average about 4% interest. Very, very, low risk. If you want to make money on your money, invest in some growth stock mutual funds. 100% of mutual funds have made a profit over a 10 year period. 97% have made a profit over a 5 year period. I suggest you put 3 - 6 months of bills into the money market for an emergency fund, invest 15% of your net (after taxes) income for retirement into a 401K or a Roth IRA, the rest I suggest you find a good growth stock mutual fund. I think Vanguard%26#039;s energy mutual fund has averaged about 20% profits over a 10 year period. Make sure you get a 10 or 5 year performance report on any mutual funds your thinking about investing in. Add all the profits, subtract all the losses, then divide by the number of years you got your data from and you%26#039;ll have the average for that mutual fund. To answer your question about the risks, yes, you may lose some money to start out with, but if you stick with it, you%26#039;ll make money.

I would like some recommendations on where to invest my money...? loan

Start by educating yourself. Read %26quot;Investing For Dummies.%26quot;|||well you really have a open question === not knowing your age or amount it would be a waste of time to give out any advise -- if you care email me with more details and i will try to give you my best shot!!!!

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